Audience at the exhibition “Dinosaurs of Patagonia” at CaixaForum Madrid.
Audience at the exhibition Dinosaurs of Patagonia at CaixaForum Madrid.© Máximo García. "la Caixa" Foundation

9 million visitors attend the exhibitions and activities of the ”la Caixa” Foundation



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9.1 million visitors attended the CaixaForum centres and the CosmoCaixa Science Museum in 2024, as well as the travelling exhibitions promoted by the ”la Caixa” Foundation, representing an overall increase of 12.33% compared to the previous year. 

This Thursday, the ”la Caixa” Foundation took stock of the attendance at its centres and its cultural and scientific exhibitions during 2024. A total of 4,455,555 visitors filled the CaixaForum centres in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Palma, Girona, Tarragona and Lleida, as well as the CosmoCaixa Science Museum in Barcelona; and 4,654,550 visited the travelling exhibitions promoted by the ”la Caixa” Foundation in more than 80 cities across Spain this past year. The CosmoCaixa Science Museum in Barcelona is the centre that received the highest number of visits, with more than 1,181,600. The second most visited was CaixaForum Madrid, with 947,642 visitors during the whole of 2024.

As part of its social commitment, the ”la Caixa” Foundation points out that close to 135.000 visitors to the CaixaForum network of centres and CosmoCaixa were people in vulnerable situations, referred through the organisation’s own social programmes as part of the Culture for everyone initiative. Within this framework, these cultural initiatives were attended by individuals participating in the Incorpora, Older adults and CaixaProinfancia programmes, as well as the Comprehensive care for people with advanced illnesses programme, the Apropa Cultura programme and collaborations with other organisations. Currently, they represent 3% of the network’s visitors, and the ”la Caixa” Foundation’s goal is to work towards increasing the number of people in vulnerable situations who embrace culture as a driver of change and social transformation. “We want to open the doors of culture to everyone, especially those experiencing social exclusion,” emphasises Josep Maria Coronas, general manager of the ”la Caixa” Foundation. He adds, “We are convinced that culture improves people’s lives, acts as a driving force for both social and individual transformation, creates opportunities and fosters a fairer and more inclusive society.”  

Giant playing cards at the exhibition «The Worlds of Alice. Dreaming of Wonderland».
Giant playing cards at the exhibition The Worlds of Alice. Dreaming of Wonderland.© David Campos. "la Caixa" Foundation

2024: The network of centres, in numbers 

A total of 9,110,105 people visited the cultural and scientific offerings of the ”la Caixa” Foundation; 4,455,555 in the centres and 4.654.550 in the travelling exhibitions. By centre, the CosmoCaixa Science Museum welcomed 1,181,600 visitors; CaixaForum Madrid, 947,642; CaixaForum València, 806,697; CaixaForum Barcelona, 508,796; CaixaForum Zaragoza, 263,762; CaixaForum Palma, 264,440; CaixaForum Sevilla, 248,539; CaixaForum Girona, 83,768; CaixaForum Lleida, 77,522, and CaixaForum Tarragona, 72,789. 

The most visited centre was the CosmoCaixa Science Museum, with 1,181,600 visitors. Among the exhibitions hosted by this centre, Dinosaurs from Patagonia, in collaboration with the Egidio Feruglio Palaeontological Museum (MEF), was the most popular, attracting 431,715 visitors over the year and a total of 616,943 visitors since its opening on 25 October 2023, followed by MateMiFaSol. A Sound Journey from Chaos to the Cosmos, which has welcomed 353,476 visitors since its debut on 9 July. 

“Dinosaurs of Patagonia” exhibition at CaixaForum Madrid
Dinosaurs of Patagonia exhibition at CaixaForum Madrid.© Máximo García. "la Caixa" Foundation

CaixaForum Madrid has become the second most popular centre, with more than 940,000 visitors during 2024. Dinosaurs from Patagonia (252,539 visitors since its opening on 17 July) and The Science Behind Pixar (215,385 visitors from its inauguration on 7 May until 1 September) were the two most visited exhibitions. 

For its part, CaixaForum València, which opened its doors in June 2022, registered 806,697 visitors in 2024, of which a significant number came to discover the cultural centre’s own facilities. The exhibition XIX. The Century of the Portrait. From Illustration to Modernity. Collections of the Prado Museum was the most visited, attracting 45,248 visitors between 11 July and 20 October last year. It was followed by Mirrors: Inside and Outside Reality exhibition, with 40,661 visitors from its opening on 3 October 2024 and by Colours of the World, which received 36.024 visitors.

Visitor at the exhibition "XIX Century. The Century of the Portrait. Collections of the Museo del Prado. From the Enlightenment to Modernity."
Visitor at the exhibition XIX Century. The Century of the Portrait. Collections of the Museo del Prado. From the Enlightenment to Modernity.© "la Caixa" Foundation

Close to 67,000 visitors to The Worlds of Alice in CaixaForum Barcelona in two months

CaixaForum Barcelona recorded a total of 508,796 visitors over the past year. The most visited exhibition was Venerated and Feared. Feminine Power in Art and Beliefs, a collaboration with the British Museum, which reached 68,726 visits from its opening on 20 February until its closure on 9 June. The second most visited exhibition was The Worlds of Alice. Dreaming of Wonderland, which, since its debut on 17 October has drawn 66,992 visitors. This is a collaboration with the Victoria & Albert Museum that reached almost 900 visitors per day. 

Visitors at the exhibition «The Worlds of Alice. Dreaming of Wonderland».
Visitors at the exhibition The Worlds of Alice. Dreaming of Wonderland.© David Campos. "la Caixa" Foundation

CaixaForum Zaragoza welcomed 263,762 visitors in 2024. The most popular exhibition was Egyptian Mummies. Rediscovering Six Lives, which attracted 73,520 visitors between 27 February and 5 June last year. Subsequently, the exhibition Top Secret. Cinema and Espionage has also attracted significant numbers, opening on 25 April and running at the cultural centre in the Aragonese capital until the coming 19 January. So far, it has received 57,911 visitors. 

Mammoth and Colours of the World are standout hits at CaixaForum Palma and CaixaForum Sevilla, respectively

CaixaForum Palma recorded 264,440 visitors over the past year. Of particular note was the number of visitors to the exhibition Mammoth. The Giant of the Ice Age, which welcomed 30,769 visitors during its stay between 3 July and 20 October 2024. Meanwhile, the exhibition The Garden of Anglada-Camarasa welcomed 37,682 visitors throughout 2024. 

CaixaForum Sevilla had 248,539 visitors over the past year, with particularly high attendance at the Colours of the World exhibition, a collaboration with National Geographic that has so far attracted 73,183 visits. The exhibition opened on 9 May and will run until 12 January. Standing out in second place, the exhibition Revered and Feared. Feminine Power in Art and Beliefs, a collaboration with the British Museum, received 50,081 visitors between 17 July and 27 October. The Miró tapestry, restored by the ”la Caixa” Foundation and displayed at the centre in the Andalusian capital until 17 November, attracted 58,263 visitors. 

CaixaForum Girona registers over 40,000 visits to the Print3D exhibition

Last year, CaixaForum Girona welcomed 83,768 visitors, with almost half of them (40,866) attending the Print3D. Reprinting Reality exhibition, which ran at the centre from 20 March to 25 August. Meanwhile, Colours of the World has attracted 15,875 visitors since opening on 26 September, and is set to close on 16 February. 

A visitor photographs the home decoration area of ​​the exhibition.
A visitor photographs the home decoration area of ​​the exhibition Print3D. Reprinting Reality.© "la Caixa" Foundation

CaixaForum Lleida received 77,522 visitors. Among the highlights were the 13,736 visitors who filled the halls of the Mirrors: Inside and Outside Reality exhibition between January and its closure on 1 April, although the exhibition has accumulated a total of 31,977 visitors since it opened on 22 September 2023. Another notable exhibition was Comics. Dreams and History, which attracted 8,122 visitors between 3 May and 28 July. Since 19 September, the centre has been hosting  the Print3D. Reprinting Reality exhibition, which has so far drawn 10,677 visitors. 

Finally, CaixaForum Tarragona welcomed 72,789 visitors, including 16,794 who visited the cultural centre in the capital of Camp de Tarragona to explore Homo Ludens. Videogames to Understand the Present, between 21 March and 28 July. Since 8 October, the centre has been hosting the exhibition Comics. Dreams and History, which has so far attracted 14,611 visitors and will remain open until 23 February.

Latest Update: 02 January 2025 | 13:10