Social and Workplace Inclusion

  • Emma’s life without a raincoat
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    Emma’s life without a raincoat

    Emma was 32 when her partner tried to kill her by stabbing her 27 times. She woke up in intensive care and survived, but the attack left an indelible psychological mark, as well as physical consequences that made it very difficult to find a job to su...

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  • Vall d’Hebron and ”la Caixa” present a pioneering facility to study the brains of patients with migraine: the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center
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    Vall d’Hebron and ”la Caixa” present a pioneering facility to study the brains of patients with migraine: the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center

    Jaume Giró, CEO of "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, Dr Albert Salazar, manager of the Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, and Dr Patricia Pozo-Rosich, head of the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center, today presented this facility, unique in Spain, one that...

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  • ”la Caixa” Foundation launches the Incorpora programme in Tunisia to promote the integration into employment of people in situations of vulnerability
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    ”la Caixa” Foundation launches the Incorpora programme in Tunisia to promote the integration into employment of people in situations of vulnerability

    The launch of the programme for the integration into employment of people at risk of social exclusion was attended by Juan López-Dóriga Pérez, Spanish Ambassador to Tunisia, and Marc Simón, Assistant Director-General of "la Caixa" Banking Foundation'...

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  • ”la Caixa” Foundation extends the Incorpora programme to Tunis to promote the employment of people in situations of vulnerability
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    ”la Caixa” Foundation extends the Incorpora programme to Tunis to promote the employment of people in situations of vulnerability

    Disembarking in the Tunisian capital, the Foundation will launch this employment integration programme, which is aimed at helping to find jobs for members of groups with particular difficulties in integrating into employment. These groups include wom...

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  • ”la Caixa” Foundation seals alliance with ERSTE Foundation to promote social welfare projects in Central and Eastern Europe
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    ”la Caixa” Foundation seals alliance with ERSTE Foundation to promote social welfare projects in Central and Eastern Europe

    Within the framework of a broader cooperation agreement, as result of acquiring a stake in the Erste Group Bank AG by CaixaBank, "la Caixa" Foundation will export its programme for integration into employment to Hungary with the goal of promoting the...

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  • ”la Caixa” appoints Xavi as ambassador for its Social Work programmes
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    ”la Caixa” appoints Xavi as ambassador for its Social Work programmes

    This morning Isidro Fainé, president of “la Caixa" and the “la Caixa" Foundation, and Jaume Giró, executive officer of “la Caixa" and deputy general manager of the “la Caixa" Foundation, presided the ceremony to present the football player, Xavi Hern...

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  • »la Caixa» leads a business alliance to collaborate with the GAVI Alliance in child vaccination
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    »la Caixa» leads a business alliance to collaborate with the GAVI Alliance in child vaccination

    Today ''la Caixa'' has presented a collaboration agreement with the GAVI Global Alliance to lead a business alliance in Spain for child vaccination. The entity chaired by Isidro Fainé will support the first world coalition between the public and priv...

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  • ”la Caixa” Social and Cultural Outreach Projects inaugurates the CaixaForum Madrid, a new concept in social and cultural centres
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    ”la Caixa” Social and Cultural Outreach Projects inaugurates the CaixaForum Madrid, a new concept in social and cultural centres

    The CaixaForum Madrid is the result of a single desire: to extend and diversity the social and cultural activities offered by "la Caixa" Social and Cultural Outreach Projects in the capital to benefit of its citizens. It represents a new concept in s...

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  • Grants to projects for the labour insertion of the disabled
    • Notas de prensa

    Grants to projects for the labour insertion of the disabled

    "La Caixa" Foundation launches the second edition of its Programme for the Labour Insertion of the Disabled, which provides grants for projects that strive for the labour insertion of individuals with psychological, physical, sensory or mental disabi...

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