Vall d’Hebron and ”la Caixa” present a pioneering facility to study the brains of patients with migraine: the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center



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Jaume Giró, CEO of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, Dr Albert Salazar, manager of the Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, and Dr Patricia Pozo-Rosich, head of the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center, today presented this facility, unique in Spain, one that combines clinical research, the provision of care, training and patient education.

”la Caixa” has donated 660,000 euros for the creation of this facility, which will enable researchers to learn more about the factors that cause migraine, identifying habits and designing treatments that can improve the brain health of those affected and society as a whole.

The Migraine Adaptive Brain Center, which will provide its services for more than 8,000 people a year, is also designed as a training facility to empower patients to become their own prescribers.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), migraine is the second-most disabling neurological disease in the world. In Spain, more than 4.5 million people suffer from migraine (three times as many women as men). Overall, migraine is considered the sixth-most disabling illness in terms of years lost, suffering and loss of productivity.