”la Caixa” Foundation seals alliance with ERSTE Foundation to promote social welfare projects in Central and Eastern Europe



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Within the framework of a broader cooperation agreement, as result of acquiring a stake in the Erste Group Bank AG by CaixaBank, ”la Caixa” Foundation will export its programme for integration into employment to Hungary with the goal of promoting the recruitment of people in situations of risk or exclusion.

The two organisations will also jointly implement the Programme of Leadership Training for NGO Managers and Comisart. The latter is a programme that will offer young professionals from CEE the chance to implement curatorial projects based on the contemporary art collections conserved by the two organisations.

"Our social commitment is intrinsic to our financial activity, both in Spain and beyond our borders. There can't be better proof of this than our alliance with ERSTE Foundation, which will allow the action of ”la Caixa” Foundation to reach countries in Central and Eastern Europe", said Isidro Fainé, president of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation.

More information in the PDF press release