”la Caixa” Foundation extends the Incorpora programme to Tunis to promote the employment of people in situations of vulnerability


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Disembarking in the Tunisian capital, the Foundation will launch this employment integration programme, which is aimed at helping to find jobs for members of groups with particular difficulties in integrating into employment. These groups include women and young people at risk of exclusion.

In Tunis, the Incorpora network will be promoted by ”la Caixa” Foundation and the Tunisian banking organisation Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations within the framework of the MED Confederation and in cooperation with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

Firmly established as a benchmark in integration into employment in Spain, the Incorpora model, which has already been exported to Morocco, Hungary and Poland, will now be adapted to operate in Tunis, providing comprehensive personal services that include the training, mentoring and monitoring of beneficiaries in order to ensure integration into employment and society that is satisfactory for all involved.

The Incorpora programme, which in 2016 facilitated over 28,000 jobs in Spain, works in partnership with 382 social organisations and more than 9,514 companies.

More information in the PDF press release