

Central Figures

Carolina Iacovone

BSc in Physics and predoctoral researcher at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and at the Material Physics Center (CFM)

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Jordi Riera

Scientific director of CaixaProinfancia
Full professor of Education (Social Pedagogy Department) of the Ramon Llull University in the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences, Blanquerna-URL

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Maite Mendioroz

Director of Navarrobiomed – Miguel Servet Foundation and principal investigator of the Neuroepigenetics Unit

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The ”la Caixa” Foundation’s MediaHub, the platform committed to the media, is born.

The MediaHub will enable communication professionals to find all the latest news about the ”la Caixa” Foundation, as well as in-depth information featuring the key figures behind the current affairs.

They will have access to new services and resources that are useful for their daily work. Thanks to the creation of a private area, registered journalists will be able to access exclusive and embargoed information, download audiovisual resources, access the agenda of the ”la Caixa” Foundation, and request interviews with the key figures of the news.

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