Carolina Iacovone

BSc in Physics and predoctoral researcher at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and at the Material Physics Center (CFM)




Carolina holds a BSc degree in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires, where she specialised in Material Sciences and developed green materials as eco-friendly alternatives to conventional petrochemical plastics, contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution. She was Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Buenos Aires and Physics Communicator, participating in more than 20 activities of scientific outreach and communication aimed at diverse audiences.

She obtained one of the fellowships of the ”la Caixa” Foundation’s INPhINIT doctoral programme, thanks to which she is conducting doctoral research in water remediation at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and the Material Physics Center (CFM). The goal of her research is to develop methods and absorbent materials for removing contaminants such as heavy metals and pharmaceutical products from water sources.

Luciana Scrinzi


BSc in Environmental Sciences and predoctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research from the Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC)

Luciana graduated with a BSc degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires in 2015, and an MSc in Water Sciences (joint degree from IHE Delft, TU Dresden and IST Lisbon) in 2018. She is currently working as a predoctoral resear...

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Oliver Binks


BSc in Ecology, PhD from the University of Edinburgh and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF)

Oliver Binks graduated with an honours degree in Ecology and completed his PhD at the School of GeoSciences of the University of Edinburgh in 2016, on the ecophysiology of tropical rainforests. He then spent five years at the Australian National Univ...

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