Grants to projects for the labour insertion of the disabled


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”La Caixa” Foundation launches the second edition of its Programme for the Labour Insertion of the Disabled, which provides grants for projects that strive for the labour insertion of individuals with psychological, physical, sensory or mental disabilities. As part of the Calls for Tender for Social Initiatives, the programme collaborates with 66 initiatives, to which it has allotted over 1.3 million euros since going into operation last year. The objective of these initiatives, in which ”la Caixa” Foundation takes part, is the labour integration of individuals affected by any type of disability whatsoever. The period for presenting applications for this competition will close on 15 September. The Programme for the Labour Insertion of Individuals with Psychological, Physical, Sensory and Mental Disabilities is open to the participation of any private non-profit organisation, and is aimed at collaborating with such organisations in initiatives, programmes and projects that foster vocational training and employment as fundamental factors for the social integration of those suffering from some type of disability. This group has a very high unemployment rate, since their condition causes them to face enormous difficulties in gaining access to the employment market. Adaptation problems in matters such as the work timetable or competitiveness, plus the need for medical attention, hospitalisation and support in their everyday lives are other factors which hinder their integration.The Programme for the Labour Insertion of Individuals with Psychological, Physical, Sensory and Mental Disabilities is one of the social programmes of ”la Caixa” Foundation. Since creating this programme last year, the Foundation has already undertaken collaboration with 66 initiatives, to which it has contributed over 1.3 million euros. For the most part, these projects are focused on fostering, consolidating and improving the resources and means of the special employment centres devoted to addressing the needs of this group of people, as well as to labour insertion programmes.