Support for Health Research Institutions

  • Compact cities have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality
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    Compact cities have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality

    What types of cities exist in Europe and which are more favourable in terms of human health, environmental quality and carbon footprint? To answer these questions, a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre ...

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  • Treating cancer when neither chemotherapy nor transplant works
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    Treating cancer when neither chemotherapy nor transplant works

    Without the most common side effects, with improvement from the first days and complete remission after 18 months in almost 70% of cases. A clinical trial of CAR-T therapies coordinated by the Hospital Clínic Barcelona - IDIBAPS, with the support of ...

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  • ”la Caixa” Foundation supports three innovative biomedical projects to help them transfer from the lab to the market and society
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    ”la Caixa” Foundation supports three innovative biomedical projects to help them transfer from the lab to the market and society

    The CaixaResearch Consolidate 2022 call for proposals resulted in the selection of three promising innovative biomedical projects. Each will receive funding of 300,000 euros to help their innovations reach the market and society as a whole.

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  • Mediterranean diet or mindfulness during pregnancy reduces by one third the risk of a low birth weight baby
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    Mediterranean diet or mindfulness during pregnancy reduces by one third the risk of a low birth weight baby

    A clinical trial for pregnant women at high risk of a low birth weight baby demonstrates for the first time that Mediterranean diet or mindfulness-based stress reduction interventions during pregnancy reduce the prevalence of low birth weight by ...

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