The Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Foundation agrees to locate its registered office in Barcelona
2 minutes readThe Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation today unanimously agreed, in an extraordinary session, to establish its registered office in the city of Barcelona (in the headquarters at Avda. Diagonal 621-629). As sole shareholder of CriteriaCaixa, the Board also agreed to relocate the registered office of CriteriaCaixa to Barcelona.
The agreement was reached considering that the circumstances that caused the temporary transfer of both headquarters to the city of Palma in 2017 no longer exist. It will not imply movement of people or corporate spaces or services, insofar as the majority of employees and work centres have always been located in Barcelona.
More than a century of social commitment in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands
“la Caixa” Foundation has a firm commitment to its roots, since it was founded as la Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros de Cataluña y Baleares in 1904 by the Barcelonian lawyer Francesc Moragas, with the support of several Catalan civil society entities.
Since its origins, “la Caixa” Foundation has been characterised by a strong social commitment and a vocation to work in favour of the general interest, both through its financial activity and its social action .
“la Caixa” Foundation also wants to express that its commitment to the Balearic Islands and the city of Palma remains unchanged, through the promotion of programmes to improve the life quality of the most vulnerable people in this community. Also noteworthy is the activity carried out by CaixaForum Palma, the true cultural and social nerve centre of the Foundation in the Balearic capital, where the Board of Trustees of “la Caixa” Foundation will continue to hold the same regular meetings as until now.
Communication - ”la Caixa” Foundation
- Leticia Gonzálvez: 649 254 091 / lgonzalvez@fundacionlacaixa.org
- Marina Teixidó: 608 099 023 / mteixido@fundacionlacaixa.org