The Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Fundation appoints Xavier Brossa Galofré as a trustee at the proposal of SEBAP
2 minutes readCriteriaCaixa will pay out a €80 million dividend to ”la Caixa” Foundation
The Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Foundation today unanimously approved the appointment of Xavier Brossa Galofré as a trustee of the Foundation, at the proposal of the Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d'Amics del País (SEBAP), for a period of two years. Xavier Brossa will join the Board of Trustees starting from its next session, replacing Joaquín Gay de Montellá Ferrer-Vidal, who was proposed at the time by Foment del Treball Nacional and whose term ends.
Xavier Brossa joins the Board of Trustees within the rotating shift that ”la Caixa” Foundation’s Statutes reserve for the founding entities of the Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, ”la Caixa”. These are, additionally to the SEBAP: Foment del Treball Nacional, the Ateneu Barcelonès, the Catalan Agricultural Institute of San Isidro, and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Services of Barcelona.
The Board of Trustees of ”la Caixa” Foundation, as the sole shareholder of CriteriaCaixa, has also agreed that CriteriaCaixa will pay out a dividend of €80 million charged to share premium. CriteriaCaixa will pay the Foundation this dividend within two months following approval in a single payment.
This share premium payment is part of the social dividend that CriteriaCaixa, the holding company that manages “la Caixa” Foundation business assets, distributes to its sole shareholder yearly to facilitate the development of its social action.
In 2023, CriteriaCaixa distributed a total of €400 million to ”la Caixa” Foundation, which focused its efforts on programs to fight child poverty, promote access to employment for vulnerable groups, care for the elderly and accompany people with advanced diseases. And also considering the rest of activity areas, such as the dissemination of culture and science, the promotion of medical and scientific research and the investment in education. In 2024, “la Caixa” Foundation has a historic budget of €600 million to implement its Social Work.