Isidro Fainé supports a programme to improve education for children living in rural areas in China



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The ”la Caixa” Foundation will be implementing the Firefly project, the purpose of which is to offer additional educational opportunities to schoolchildren in rural areas by facilitating access to material already enjoyed by pupils in more developed regions.

The collaboration between the ”la Caixa” Foundation and the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation – BEA Charity Fund will result in the opening of 18 Firefly centres in various regions in China, as well as the provision of educational resources for pupils.

The Firefly project is being run in the context of CaixaBank's shareholding in the Bank of East Asia (BEA).

Isidro Fainé, President of the ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, highlights the fact that "the support for this initiative demonstrates that we will always pursue the ultimate goal of our financial organisation, to fulfil our commitment to people's welfare and wellbeing and to equal opportunities, and that this mission extends beyond our borders. One of our priorities in Spain is to respond to the needs of children with limited opportunities and we want to broaden this to other places in order to contribute to efforts to offer youngsters a brighter future."

  More information in the PDF press release