”la Caixa” stimulates child vaccination with a new contribution of 3 million euros



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In 2008, ”la Caixa” became, through its Welfare Projects, a strategic collaborator and the main private partner of GAVI, an alliance formed to promote child vaccination in low-income countries.

So far, over 140 companies have joined the Spanish Business Alliance, led by ”la Caixa”. This pioneering initiative of business social responsibility in Europe, which channels contributions to GAVI, has raised over 500,000 euros to date.

The initiative, which ”la Caixa” channels through its large branch network, collaborates in the effort to achieve the fourth Millennium Development Goal, on the question of child health, which aims to reduce child mortality by two thirds before 2015. 

GAVI Alliance is an organisation set up in the year 2000 to facilitate access to new vaccines and improve the health systems and their long-term sustainability in low-income countries, with the objective of fighting child mortality.     More information in the PDF press release