”la Caixa” Foundation holds a new call for environmental project funding
3 minutes readProtecting biodiversity, conserving natural areas, spreading respect for the environment, preserving environmental quality and boosting sustainability of natural resources are the aims of the new call held by ”la Caixa” Foundation for environmental project funding. All non-profit private entities are eligible for participation. Projects may be presented from 16 December, 2002 to 28 February, 2003. Protection of nature and social sensitisation towards environmental respect are among the objectives of the ”la Caixa” Foundation science and environment programmes. This is why the Foundation has created this annual funding programme to cooperate with private non-profit organisations in bettering our quality of life through the conservation and protection of the environment.The reintroduction and protection of animal species, the prevention and reduction of pollution in natural and coastal settings, and the creation of routes and informative resources on the environment are just a few samples of the activities included in this call. There are also projects meant to recover traditional production activities, revaluate energy resources and reduce and manage waste products.In this call, any non-profit private organisation may participate, either individually or jointly for common undertakings. They may be beneficiaries of aid or funding from any public or European Union administration. The projects presented can have up to three years' duration. The Foundation will cover up to 50% of the total project budget, which must be under 100,000 euros.The selection criteria for the projects offered will focus especially on the justification or need the project aims to meet, its social, economic and technical viability, the linking of activities with environmental areas of high priority for public and EU administrations, the cooperation and grouping among the entities involved in the development of the projects, and the sustainable nature of the proposed interventions.This new call for environmental project funding is added to the seven calls which ”la Caixa” Foundation holds annually in the social realm. Projects to improve the quality of life of immigrants and marginalised groups, initiatives to integrate the disabled and international cooperation aid for developing countries are three of the social calls. Finally, the Foundation devotes a significant number of projects to Alzheimer's and oncology research.Scientific and environmental programmes of the ”la Caixa” Foundation ”La Caixa” Foundation earmarks a major portion of its budget for scientific and environmental programmes. One of the main goals of these programmes is to disseminate scientific knowledge and bolster respect and improvement for the environment. That is why the Foundation is involved in several fields of activity, for example the dissemination tasks covered by ”la Caixa” Foundation's Museu de la Ciència in Barcelona and CosmoCaixa in Madrid on a daily basis. Other examples include the travelling exhibitions over the entire Iberian peninsula, bringing environmental knowledge closer to society in direct, participative fashion through interactive modules. Finally, there are educational resources such as environmental backpacks, which are meant to sow pro-environmental values and attitudes among society's youngest members.www.fundacio.lacaixa.es