”la Caixa” Banking Foundation has devoted 400 million euros to research and training of excellence



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Isidre Fainé, Chairman of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation; Jaume Giró, CEO of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation; Javier Solana, member of the Board of Trustees and of the Board of Expert Consultants on Research at ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation; and Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education in the Government of the Republic of Portugal, today awarded 75 grants for national and international research and innovation projects of excellence.

”la Caixa” Banking Foundation operates three main lines of action within the field of research: post-doctorate grants to promote talent; calls for proposals for biomedicine and health projects; and the CaixaImpulse programme, aimed at transferring the results of research to society.

Can we create new materials with extraordinary properties? Can the liver reveal malaria's Achilles' heel? Can we treat cancer by inducing cellular aging? These are three examples of the questions that the selected researchers will seek to answer in the coming years.

”la Caixa” Banking Foundation seeks to promote cutting-edge projects in multidisciplinary research with the goal of improving social welfare. The Foundation's Strategic Plan 2016-2019 establishes investment in research as a priority, making provision for the research budget to triple to 90 million euros in 2019.

The president of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, Isidre Fainé, noted that: "We live in a changing society in which discoveries open up scenarios that pose new future challenges. Applying the principles of anticipation, engagement and excellence to help guide the actions of our organisation for more than a century has led us to give firm support for research in the field of health".

More information in the PDF press release

Profile of the researchers