”la Caixa” Foundation presents CaixaImpulse, the first comprehensive programme to promote the establishment of biotechnology companies in Spain



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Jaume Giró, CEO of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, and Marcelino Armenter, president of Caixa Capital Risc, today presented CaixaImpulse, a unique initiative in Spain, established to promote the transformation of scientific knowledge into companies in the field of life science and health that can generate value in society.

The programme is aimed at research centres, universities, hospitals and non-profit organisations engaged in research that want to translate the results of research into a market initiative, either as a spin-off or a transfer agreement.

CaixaImpulse is a comprehensive programme that, besides financial support, also provides training, mentoring, expertise, contacts, access to investors and immersion in the reality of the market with a view to maximising the chances of successful transfer. The 15 selected projects will receive up to 840,000 euros as support to design and implement a plan to evaluate the technology. They will also benefit from a six-month expert advisory programme valued at 225,000 euros, and provided by mentors, specialists, entrepreneurs and coaches of international standing.

The programme is organised by ”la Caixa” Foundation in cooperation with Caixa Capital Risc. In launching the programme, these two institutions place their experience in the areas of research, creation, development and investment in start-up companies at the service of a shared objective: to transfer the results from research to society.

Centres interested in joining the programme are invited to submit their proposals online at www.caixaimpulse.com from today until June 12.     More information in the PDF press release