”la Caixa” receives 4.7 million euros from the European Commission for a new INPhINIT Grant programme, aimed at attracting the best international scientific talent



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INPhINIT grants are open to the best international researchers to pursue doctoral projects at research centres of excellence around Spain.

The new project will invite applications for 57 annual grants in the academic years 2017 and 2018, and ”la Caixa” will be adding its own investment of 6.5 million euros per round of applications to this scheme.

For the first time, the European Commission is to cofinance a project organised by ”la Caixa” Foundation. Its contribution of 4.7 million to the new programme recognises over three decades in which ”la Caixa” has awarded grants.

For Isidre Fainé, President of ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, "Support for training through grants has always been a priority for our organisation. The assistance of the European Commission in this programme is, as well as a responsibility, a stimulus of the first order to continue on this path."

More information in the PDF press release