The doctoral INPhINIT and postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships from the ”la Caixa” Foundation pursue the twofold aim of supporting young talents to carry out their research in Spain or Portugal and attracting international researchers to these countries.
Las becas de doctorado INPhINIT y de posdoctorado Junior Leader de la Fundación ”la Caixa” persiguen el doble objetivo de apoyar a jóvenes talentos para que realicen sus investigaciones en España o Portugal y de atraer a investigadores extranjeros a estos países.

”la Caixa” Foundation attracts and retains talent with a hundred fellowships for young researchers



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105 researchers will develop their projects in Spain and Portugal thanks to the 65 fellowships awarded in the framework of the doctoral INPhINIT programme and the 40 in the postdoctoral Junior Leader programme.

The ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships programme is the most important of those promoted by private institutions in Spain and Europe, both in terms of the number of fellowships offered and the variety of disciplines covered. In all, the Foundation will allocate 20.2 million euros to this intake of doctoral and postdoctoral fellows.