From left to right: the Director of International Engagement at the British Museum, Nadja Race; the Deputy Director General of the ”la Caixa” Foundation, Elisa Durán, and the curator and content developer for international touring exhibitions of the British Museum, Belinda Crerar, have presented in CaixaForum Madrid the exhibition entitled Revered and Feared. Feminine Power in Art and Belief.
De izquierda a derecha: la directora de Compromiso Internacional del British Museum, Nadja Race; la directora general adjunta de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Elisa Durán, y la comisaria y responsable de desarrollo de contenido de exposiciones internacionales del British Museum, Belinda Crerar, han presentado en CaixaForum Madrid la exposición Veneradas y temidas. El poder femenino en el arte y las creencias.

CaixaForum Madrid explores feminine power in art and belief: from prehistory until today



52 segundos de lectura
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Revered and Feared. Feminine Power in Art and Belief traces the influence of feminine spirituality throughout history and across six continents, providing a dialogue with sculptures, sacred objects and contemporary works of art.

The exhibition explores the role that goddesses, demons, witches and other spiritual beings play in gender identity and the different perceptions of femininity around the world.

The display is a collaboration between the ”la Caixa” Foundation and the British Museum which brings together 166 historical pieces: from prehistory to the 21st century, through dialogue with contemporary artists.

The exhibition proposes a reflection on the stereotypes of feminine power and femininity, and features iconic pieces, such as a Roman statue of Venus or the figure of Sekhmet, as well as works of art by Marina Abramović, Ana Mendieta and Niki de Saint Phalle, among others.

The exhibition will open its doors to the public this Thursday, with five thematic areas that structure its itinerary: "Creation and Nature", "Passion and Desire", "Magic and Malice", "Justice and Defence" and "Compassion and Salvation".