CosmoCaixa explores the meaning of colour in the world through an exhibition of National Geographic photographs
49 seconds readUntil April 10, the CosmoCaixa Science Museum will host an exhibition of 70 photographs by renowned National Geographic photographers, images that capture the vast colour palette which shapes our world.
The show explores the importance of each colour and its connotations. In such a diverse place as planet Earth, colours do not have the same meaning in all regions. In India and Japan, red signifies purity, while in Africa it is the colour of mourning and in other countries it is associated with strength and power.
The photographs, by such practitioners as Joel Sartore, Steve McCurry, Lynn Johnson and Jodi Cobb, among others, capture the essence of landscapes, cultures and traditions around the world, from Papua New Guinea to India, from Italy to the Democratic Republic of Congo, from Chile to the United States.
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