From left to right: Ignasi Miró, Corporate Director of Culture and Science at ”la Caixa” Foundation, Daniel Antoine, the curator, Isabel Fuentes, Director of CaixaForum, Madrid, the curator Marie Vandenbeusch, and Hartwig Fischer, Director of British Museum, presented Mummies of Egypt: Rediscovering six lives.
De izquierda a derecha: el director corporativo del Área de Cultura y Ciencia de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Ignasi Miró; el comisario de la muestra, Daniel Antoine; la directora de CaixaForum Madrid, Isabel Fuentes; la comisaria de la muestra, Marie Vandenbeusch, y el director del British Museum, Hartwig Fischer, han presentado la exposición Momias de Egipto: Redescubriendo seis vidas.

CaixaForum Madrid reveals the lives of six Egyptian mummies



53 segundos de lectura

In a new collaboration with the British Museum, the exhibition Mummies of Egypt: Rediscovering six lives illustrates the hidden history behind six ancient Egyptian mummies and provides an insight into how people lived and died along the Nile Valley between 800 BC and 100 AD.

The show explores the identity of these six individuals who lived in ancient Egypt thanks to new discoveries made by state-of-the-art, non-invasive technology, virtually unwrapping their fragile remains.

Focusing on an official, two priests, a married woman, a young boy and a young Greco-Roman man, the exhibition illustrates the processes of mummification, the ancient Egyptians’ view of death, and the concept of afterlife in this ancient civilisation.

Using computed tomography techniques, researchers have unearthed personal information about each individual, including their age, beliefs, illnesses and diet. The show revolves around these findings, which cast new light on life in ancient Egypt.

The exhibition, which will be open from 14 July to 26 October 2022, is the seventh collaboration between the British Museum and ”la Caixa” Foundation.