From left to right: the director of CaixaForum Madrid, Isabel Fuentes, the deputy general director of ”la Caixa” Foundation, Elisa Durán, the curator Luca Carrubba and the corporate director of the Culture and Science Area of ”la Caixa” Foundation, Ignasi Miró, have presented in CaixaForum Madrid the exhibition entitled Homo ludens. Video games to understand the present.
De izquierda a derecha: la directora de CaixaForum Madrid, Isabel Fuentes; la directora general adjunta de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Elisa Durán; el comisario Luca Carrubba, y el director corporativo del Área de Cultura y Ciencia de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Ignasi Miró, han presentado en CaixaForum Madrid la exposición Homo ludens. Videojuegos para entender el presente.

CaixaForum Madrid turns into a huge videogaming centre



54 segundos de lectura

The Homo ludens. Video games to understand the present exhibition, curated by Luca Carrubba and designed by the Domestic Data Streamers studio, presents an anthropological look at video games, a cultural, aesthetic and artistic phenomenon essential in contemporary mass culture.

The display analyses video games as an industry, cultural medium and creative proposal, based on specific examples of video games and contemporary artworks. It includes works by such artists as Bill Viola, Daniel Canogar and Mónica Rikić and offers an interactive, innovative journey in which the spectator takes centre stage in a gamified, participatory experience.

The thesis of the exhibition confirms the existence of a world in which life and play are increasingly intertwined. In fact, without realising it we now play when we travel, learn or even fall in love.

The exhibition brings together 58 pieces by 36 creators, consisting in video games, photographs, sculptures, videos and installations. After premiering in CaixaForum Madrid it will travel to other centres and will remain open until 31 October 2021.