Max Beckmann. Leipzig, 1884 – New York, 1950. CaixaForum Barcelona
2 minutes readNow, for the first time in Barcelona, ”la Caixa” presents an overview of this artist's work in Max Beckmann. Leipzig, 1884 - New York, 1950, an exhibition organised in cooperation with the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum.
The show, which features a total of 49 works, mostly paintings but also a dozen lithographs and two sculptures, encompasses Beckmann's entire trajectory, from his early works as a young man in Germany to the painting he declared finished on the very day of his death in exile in the United States.
The exhibition is divided into two sections. The first presents the most important pieces from the artist's years in German. The second, devoted to the periods in Amsterdam and the United States, is structured around four metaphors or rhetorical figures related to the experience of exile, which this artist saw as the existential condition of modern men and women.
Max Beckmann. Leipzig, 1884 - New York, 1950. Place: CaixaForum Barcelona (Av. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8). Dates: From 21 February to 26 May 2019.
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