Andy Warhol. Mechanical Art. CaixaForum Barcelona
2 minutes readThirty years after his death, Andy Warhol (1928-1987) remains the artist most closely associated with the language of Pop art. The exhibition presented by ”la Caixa” Foundation and the Museo Picasso Málaga addresses the complex work of this Pittsburgh-born artist, placing particular emphasis on the changes his oeuvre underwent over the course of his career.
In addition to raising a new generation’s awareness of Warhol, the exhibition provides an opportunity to focus on the repetitive, schematic and artificial nature of his visual work during more than three decades of feverish creative activity. Warhol. Mechanical Art includes the most emblematic and universal icons created by Warhol: his Campbell’s Soup Can series and his portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy and Liz Taylor, but also his experimental film, such as his Screen Tests and the legendary multimedia event conceived with the band The Velvet Underground.
The display contains a total of 352 pieces, among them paintings, sculptures, drawings, screen prints, installations, artist’s books, films, album covers, posters, magazines objects and photographic material. These have been provided by more than 30 lenders - notably the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, which holds the largest collection of artworks and archive materials produced by Warhol - and will enable visitors to plunge into the fascinating world of the artist’s sophisticated and universal images.
Andy Warhol. Mechanical Art. Dates: 14 September to 31 December 2017. Venue: CaixaForum Barcelona (Av. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8).
More information in the PDF press release
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