Three Narratives. Participation. Memory. ”la Caixa” Collection of Contemporary Art. CaixaForum Barcelona
2 minutes readCan we explain and classify contemporary art through a single chronological narrative, as has been done with all previous art? Would it not it be more appropriate to propose a simultaneity of discourses that allow us to approach creativity today from different points of view? This is the idea that underlies Three Narratives, the new cycle of exhibitions presented by ”la Caixa” Foundation at CaixaForum Barcelona, based on the organisation's Collection of Contemporary Art.
The Foundation invited the poet, essayist, critic and museum director Enrique Juncosa to delve into the ”la Caixa” Collection and suggest new interpretations of the works conserved in it. Accordingly, Juncosa took inspiration from certain narrative structures found in the world of literature and film today to present a cycle of three exhibitions based on three concepts found frequently in works by contemporary artists.
Following the first exhibition, Participation, Juncosa now presents Memory. This second show in the series features a series of paradigmatic works from the collection in which the concept of memory provides the starting-point for meditation on the individual conscience. The exhibition generates a dialogue between the outstanding work by Joseph Beuys that occupies a permanent space at CaixaForum Barcelona and pieces by Miroslaw Balka, Rachel Whiteread, Susana Solano, Carmen Calvo, Christian Boltanski, Robert Gober, Guillermo Kuitca, Juan Muñoz and Doris Salcedo.
Three Narratives. Memory. ”la Caixa” Collection of Contemporary Art. Dates: from 11 March to 21 June 2015. Place: CaixaForum Barcelona (Av. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8).