CaixaForum Zaragoza opens its doors
2 minutes readLuisa Fernanda Rudi, president of the Community of Aragon, Juan Alberto Belloch, mayor of Saragossa, and Isidro Fainé, president of ”la Caixa” and ”la Caixa” Foundation, open CaixaForum Zaragoza, the new cultural and social centre built by the organisation in the Aragonese capital.
The new centre, designed by the Catalan architect Carme Pinós, will open its doors to the public tomorrow. CaixaForum Zaragoza is the latest addition to a network of living cultural facilities at which culture is promoted as a tool for personal growth and social integration.
CaixaForum Zaragoza will host exhibitions of all kinds, devoted to art, science and social issues as well as activities for all audiences. The new centre opens with a dual inaugural exhibition that will enable visitors to discover some of the key names in contemporary Spanish and international art, featuring works from the ”la Caixa” collections.
Moreover, an exhibition will also be devoted to illustrating the process of building CaixaForum Zaragoza, which began in September 2010 and took three and a half years to complete.
To celebrate the launch of this new centre with the people of Saragossa, ”la Caixa” Foundation will hold open days until this coming Sunday, July 6. CaixaForum Zaragoza will also participate tomorrow in the nocturnal event known as the Noche en Blanco ("White Night"), when the exhibitions will be open until one o'clock in the morning.