Exhibition: In association with Murcia City Council, ”la Caixa” is showing the latest acquisitions from the Col·lecció Testimoni
4 minutes readFrom 3 December 2003 to 11 January 2004, at the Centro de Arte Palacio Almudí in Murcia, ”la Caixa” presents the set of works acquired by the foundation over the 2002-2003 season for the Col·lecció Testimoni. Organised by Murcia City Council and ”la Caixa”, the exhibition consists of 110 pieces, all done by contemporary Spanish artists from different generations. The works were acquired at different exhibitions at some of the leading art galleries in Barcelona, Madrid and Palma de Mallorca, and at the ARCO and New Art fairs. Given the deliberately varied character of the galleries chosen, the works of art that come together in this exhibition reflect tendencies of all kinds from figuration to abstraction, from tradition to avantgarde in a multifaceted, heterogeneous journey through paintings, sculptures and photographs.The Col·lecció Testimoni was created in 1987 by ”la Caixa” with the aim of establishing a stable link with Spanish art galleries and arranging an everyday encounter between the public and the art world. Since then it has operated on the basis of annual agreements with a large number of galleries which are partially renewed every season. According to those agreements, ”la Caixa” regularly acquires a work at all the individual exhibitions organised by the associate galleries, provided they are living Spanish artists.The Col·lecció Testimoni has 2110 works of art at present, showing the interest ”la Caixa” takes in publicising the vitality and richness of contemporary Spanish art and carrying out an important task of patronage.In a different location each year, a major exhibition is organised to show all the works acquired over the previous season. Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Oviedo, La Coruña, Zaragoza, Valencia, Seville, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Tarragona are the cities which have hosted the exhibition in previous years and this year it is the turn of the city of Murcia.The "Testimoni 2002-2003" exhibition will enable the public to see a summary of the latest season of exhibitions in Spain. Due to the deliberately varied character of the galleries chosen, the works of art that come together in this exhibition reflect tendencies of all kinds from figuration to abstraction, from tradition to avantgarde in a multifaceted, heterogeneous journey through paintings, sculptures and photographs which represent contemporary Spanish art.This will be the only opportunity to see the complete set of works acquired by ”la Caixa” over the last season. Afterwards, like every year, most of the acquisitions will be distributed and shown permanently at the different premises, offices and public spaces of ”la Caixa”, for the daily enjoyment of its employees and customers. Some of them will be ceded to the Fundació ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection.The works acquired this year for the Col·lecció Testimoni are by the following artists: Carme Aguadé, Alfaro, Chema Alvargonzález, Ximo Amigó, José Ramón Amondarain, Nacho Amor, Artigau, José María Báez, Toño Barreiro, Serafini Bayod, Leonard Beard, Antonio Belmonte, Isidro Blasco, Manuel Bouzo, Ignacio Burgos, Miguel Ángel Campano, Jordi Cano, Yamandú Canosa, Berthold, G. Carbó, Cardells, Ricardo Cavada, Josep Maria Codina, Astrid Colomar, Carlos Crego, Nacho Criado, Bravo Cuní, Chirino, Joan Duran, Rafael Duran, Dani Ensesa, Evru, Luis Fega, Lourdes Fisa, Lluís Fuster, Elvira Fustero, Gabino, Jorge Galindo, Jaume Antón García, Carme Garolera, Pascual Gomes, Emilio González Sainz, Luis Granda, Xavier Grau, José Hernández, Hernández Pijuan, Sara Huete, Miguel Ángel Iglesias, Julio Juste, Adrià Lanuza, Fernando López, Pepa Llausás, Antoni Llobet, Chema Madoz, Jordi Maragall, Enric Mas, Víctor Mateo, Aníbal Merlo, Josep Moscardó, Ramon Moscardó, Diego Moya, Ignasi Mundó, Nico Munuera, Antonio Murado, Roser Oduber, Xavier Olivé, Aitor Ortiz, Guillermo Oyágüez, José Luis Pascual, Ángel Pascual Rodrigo, Perejaume, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Antoni Perna, Santiago Picatoste, Carles Planell, Txuspo Poyo, Ràfols Casamada, Marta Ratti, Joan Raventós-Estellé, Amelia Riera, Sabala, Jordi Sàbat, Samuel Salcedo, Pere Salinas, Isabel Saludes, Lluïsa Sallent, Alejandro Sanz, Amparo Sard, Manuel Saro, Santiago Serrano, Soledad Sevilla, José María Sicilia, Jaime Súnico, Raimon Sunyer, Todó, Shinichi Tsukumo, Tudanca, Úrculo, Julio Vaquero, Xesús Vázquez, Patricio Vélez, Luís Ventós, Albert Vergés, Blanca Vernis, Mayte Vieta, Àngels Viladomiu, Darío Villalba y José María Yturralde."Testimoni 2002-2003"3 December 2003 to 11 January 2004 Inauguration: Tuesday 2 December 2003 at 19.00Centro de Arte Palacio AlmudíPlano de San Francisco, 830002 MurciaOpening timesMonday to Saturday, 11.00 to 14.00 and 18.00 to 21.00 Sundays and holidays, 11.00 to 14.00. Closed on 25 December and 1 January.www.fundacio.lacaixa.esAdmission free