The call for Support for Creation. Production 2024 from the ”la Caixa” Foundation reaches its fourth edition this year with the aim of supporting the production of works of art by contemporary creators. The call, aimed at artists and groups of artists, includes funding and professional support to promote artistic activity and encourage its creation. Open from 2 May to 7 June this year, the call will publish a list of no more than 15 winners in mid-September.
The ”la Caixa” Foundation has opened its call for applications for Support for Creation. Production 2024, which aims to provide artists with funding and professional support to produce artwork. It is aimed at solo visual artists or groups of visual artists aged 18 or over with Spanish or Portuguese nationality or residency who already have a new artwork project in mind or under way, in collaboration with a third party (museum or other kind of art institution), and who need support to produce it. As a requirement, applicants should have already had their work exhibited on at least three occasions.

This biennial programme of support forms part of the Foundation’s commitment to contemporary art, which includes its prestigious ”la Caixa” Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, now well into its fourth decade, as well as the Support for Creation call with Comisart, launched in 2012 and aimed at promoting the careers of young curators, in addition to the current call dedicated to production, which began in 2018 and reaches its fourth edition in 2024.
Support for Creation. Production 2024 seeks to enable solo visual artists or groups of visual artists to produce a new work of art that will then be promoted, be it as part of an exhibition, at a venue belonging to a third party collaborating with the project or through some other means of promotion. The funding provided is broken down into two parts: artist’s fees and production costs. The work should be produced within the following two years after funding has been awarded. Once the work has been produced, it will be assessed by the Acquisitions Committee, which will decide whether or not to acquire it for the ”la Caixa” Foundation Contemporary Art Collection.

The winning projects will be selected by a jury made up of three professionals from the art world and a representative of the ”la Caixa” Foundation.
In previous years, the following artists have received awards: Eva Fàbregas, June Crespo, Cooking Sections, Regina de Miguel, Patricia Dauder, Alicia Kopf, Karlos Gil, Marta Pujades, Filipa César and Sonia Borges, Catarina Botelho, Javier Codesal, Pedro Barateiro, Antoni Hervás, María Alcaide, Marcelo Expósito, Pedro Torres, Grup d’Estudi, Pep Vidal, Nyam Nyam, Pedro Neves, Fernando García-Dory, Julia Spínola, Noa and Lara Castro, Maura Grimaldi and Alex Reynolds, among others.
Full terms and conditions are available on the Foundation’s Call for Applications website or via this link.