Jordi Riera

Scientific director of CaixaProinfancia
Full professor of Education (Social Pedagogy Department) of the Ramon Llull University in the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences, Blanquerna-URL



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Full professor of Education (Social Pedagogy Department) of the Ramon Llull University in the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences Blanquerna-URL. He has been president of the Catalan Association of Pedagogues of Catalonia and the Official School of Pedagogues of Catalonia, as well as a member of the Higher Council for the Assessment of the Education System and the Council of Social Welfare Experts of the Government of Catalonia. He is currently Dean of the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences (FPCEE), Blanquerna-URL

He has published numerous books and scientific articles in the press and specialist journals on educational issues. He is the principal investigator of the Research Group on Pedagogy, Society and Innovation with the support of Information and Communication Technologies (PSITIC), which leads the scientific management of the CaixaProinfancia programme.